Cover Reveal for Cindermaid

As newsletter readers know, the release date for CINDERMAID has been announced -- mark your calendars for October the fifteenth. 

For those of you who have left four-star or higher reviews for Charming (and are signed up with the newsletter/Reader's Circle), don't forget that it automatically qualifies you for the drawing to win a free copy of the book on the day of release! Automatic entry for the drawing will continue until Oct. 14th -- we'll contact the lucky winner in advance of the gift copy's arrival in their email inbox.

And speaking of CINDERMAID, here it is, folks -- the big reveal for CHARMING's conclusion, the almost-finished cover to its sequel!

I like this cover design above, but there's an alternate version below which has definite charms, and which is also a strong possibility:

The great part of the one above is the "magic" appearance of the glass shoe ... so we're not sure which one will be the final version, but now you've seen the master images of the cover-to-be. In the coming two weeks before the book's release, we'll continue to post excerpts and share news about future Dark Woods titles.